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ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer中文是什么意思

用"ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer"造句"ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer"怎么读"ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer" in a sentence


  • 紫外


  • Standard practice for measuring practical spectral bandwidth of ultraviolet - visible spectrophotometers
  • Standard practice for monitoring the calibration of ultraviolet - visible spectrophotometers whose spectral slit width does not exceed 2 nm
  • The sols is bright yellow and stable during a month and a half . silver sols are charaterized by a transmission electron microscopy ( tem ) and ultraviolet - visible spectrophotometer ( uv ) . the result indicates that the silver particles are approximately spherical and monodispersed with an average diameter of ca . 15nm
    溶胶呈亮黄色,贮存一个半月不发生凝聚,并用紫外分光光度计和透射电子显微镜对其研究,发现制得的纳米ag为球状粒子,粒径为15nm 。
  • The conventional methods of the gemmology and the modern instruments of electronic probe , ultraviolet - visible spectrophotometer , fourier transform infrared spectrometer , cathodoluminescence spectrometer are used to research and analyse the flux - grown synthetic spinel and compare them with the natural spinels
用"ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer"造句  


ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer的中文翻译,ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer,ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer的中文意思,ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer的中文ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer in Chineseultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer的中文ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。